Pick up time is usually 8.30am and return time is 5.30pm. However times may vary depending on distance to pick up and drop off, and the traffic conditions. Please check details of the tours as all tours may vary.

It is preferred to allocate one central pick up point, designated by the organiser and approved by the Mountain Wine Tours manager.
You will be collected from your accommodation if prior arrangements have been made. Pick destinations are (need to fill in definite destinations i.e hiltion am / hotel jen am and there approx. times) If prior arrangement you will be notified of your approximate pick up time closer to your booked date.
No alcohol is allowed to be consumed on the bus as this is illegal. You can purchase unopened bottles and carry this on board. If you have special needs in regard to food, this will be considered. Please read our Terms & Conditions & Cancellation Policy page.
Unfortunately not – all passengers must be 18 years or older to travel.
Our bus can carry groups of 11. However we can also access larger buses for larger groups.